Schools and daycare facilities are home to millions of different germs. EVOLUTION helps keep faculty and students safe.

Why Schools and Daycare Need a Higher Level of Clean

A study conducted by the University of Arizona in a K-12 school system found that the germiest place at school is the cafeteria table. In addition to the cafeteria table, the most contaminated sites in schools and daycare facilities include:

The computer mouse, which harbored nearly twice as many bacteria than desktops

The bathroom paper towel handle

  • Water fountains
  • Bathroom sink faucets
  • Library tables
  • Computer keyboards

Other facts you should know

Children under age two put something in their mouths 81 times per hour; 42 times for ages two to five

  • 80% of germs are spread through contact with a contaminated surface such as a table, doorknob or other common item
  • Flu virus can survive on surfaces up to 72 hours; viruses that cause diarrhea last two to four months; MRSA for several months

EVOLUTION provide commercial cleaning services to preschools, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, childcare centers operated independently or as part of a business, and other education and daycare facilities. With EVOLUTION, your facility will not only look clean and smell clean – it will actually be a cleaner, healthier place to work, learn and play.

How Schools and Daycares Are Cleaned

Schools and daycare facilities require antiseptic cleaning to disinfect hot spots such as desktops, doorknobs and other high-touch areas that are accessed and shared by many students.

EVOLUTION work with you to educate students and parents on how to minimize germ transmission.

On behalf of its EVOLUTION will walk through your facility to identify hot spots and customize a cleaning schedule based on your needs and budget. We will ask good questions to understand what is most important to you so that the cleaning consistently meets your expectations.

EVOLUTION work on:

-Removes bacteria, allergens and dust from the facilities
-Prevents the spread of bacteria from one area to another
-Uses the most efficient tools and techniques available
-Is environmentally responsible
-Is delivered consistently and is priced competitively

Services are delivered by trained, certified and bonded employees who get to know you, your cleaning needs and your facility.